Magnesium Options Can Be Overwhelming: We Broke Them Down

Magnesium Options Can Be Overwhelming: We Broke Them Down

If you’ve ever read the benefits of our ingredients, you’ve likely noticed that our skincare formulations are rich in plant extracts, vitamins, antioxidants, and other substances that are a vital part of a nourishing diet. Each and every ingredient we use is pure, naturally-derived, and deeply beneficial, whether consumed and used externally.

Over on Nateur Cooking, we often say “Ultimately, what you put in your body, ends up on your face”, but the reverse is also true. Ultimately, what you put on your face, ends up in your body. This is precisely why it’s not enough to nurture your skin from only the outside in — or vice versa. It’s through a blend of topical treatments with proper nutrition and supplementation that we can achieve a timeless, ethereal glow.

the supplement your regimen is missing: magnesium

The way we source our ingredients is strategic yet simple. We choose suppliers that work in harmony with mother nature, resulting in the most bioavailable, beneficial products on the market. No expense is spared, and our formulas are flowing with essential antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals derived straight from the earth.

One miraculous mineral we’ve chosen to include in our formulas is magnesium. Between our holi (stick) natural deodorant, holi (youth) the oceanic adaptogen, holi (bath) calming coconut milk bath, holi (water) pearl and rose hyaluronic toner, and a new product coming soon (stay tuned!), the Agent Nateur product line infuses the body with magnesium — both topically and internally.

Naturopathic MD, hormone expert, and popular guest on Nateurious podcast, Dr. Carrie Jones, recently shared a thought-provoking interview with Dr. Paul Hrkal all about the different types of magnesium, its wide array of benefits and common questions about magnesium supplementation, inspiring us to delve into our go-to forms of magnesium and the reasons why we include this mineral in our daily regimens.

Do I need to take a magnesium supplement?

If you’re thinking “I don’t need to take magnesium — My blood work says I’m fine,” you may want to keep an open mind. According to Dr. Hrkal, it’s possible to be deficient in magnesium even when you have normal levels present in your bloodstream. This is because only 1% of the body’s magnesium lives in the blood. The rest is found in your bones, tissues, and vital organs.

“Based on the research, we can say that at least 50% of the population has sub-optimal magnesium levels. That’s been well established. If you’re an athlete or somebody who’s active, the research is up to 90% ... You’re sweating it out and losing electrolytes.” - Dr. Paul Hrkal

What’s more, if you suffer from chronic pain, stress, or disease, you’re increasingly prone to magnesium deficiency. Which raises the next question…

What are the symptoms of being deficient in magnesium?

Because magnesium deficiency is so rampant, it comes with very common symptoms.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include (but are not limited to): 

◦  Hypertension

◦  Migraine headaches

◦  Muscle tension

◦  Osteoporosis

◦  Cardiovascular disease

◦  Type 2 diabetes

◦  Loss of appetite

◦  Muscle spasms and cramps

◦  Fatigue

It’s important to understand that even if you aren’t experiencing any of these symptoms, you may still be deficient in magnesium. However, if you are currently suffering from one or more of these symptoms, they can be used as a guide to determine which form of magnesium supplement is best for you. 

What kind of magnesium should I take?

Along with understanding the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, you can also use the benefits of magnesium to help you decide which type you should add to your regimen.

The general benefits of taking a magnesium supplement may include: 

◦  Supported biochemical reactions in the body

◦  Increased athletic performance

◦  Enhanced mood

◦  Regulated blood pressure

◦  Lowered inflammation

◦  Improved symptoms of PMS and menopause

As a rule, the highest quality magnesium supplements are fully chelated. What this means is that the supplement, regardless of its form, contains just two ingredients: Pure magnesium and an amino acid. Dr. Hrkal recommends choosing a 100mg magnesium supplement because a larger supplement is likely diluted with a third ingredient, oxide, which is less bioavailable and can lead to loose stools.

Our favorite forms of magnesium are magnesium malate, magnesium glycinate, and magnesium orotate, because they offer the benefits of magnesium plus the benefits of the amino acid they are attached to. These are some of the most heavily researched and bioavailable forms of magnesium.

The benefits of magnesium malate (magnesium + malic acid) may include:

◦  Boosted muscle energy

◦  Regulated nerve function

◦  Reduced muscle pain and tension

◦  Regulated blood sugar levels

◦  Increased production of protein and DNA

Research Fact: Studies have shown that magnesium malate is beneficial for patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The benefits of magnesium glycinate (magnesium + glycine) may include:
◦  Alleviated anxiety
◦  Improved sleep

◦  Strengthened bones

◦  Improved PMS symptoms

Research Fact: According to research by the Journal of Pain & Relief, oral and topical magnesium glycinate can rapidly reduce pain, increase muscle flexibility, and improve quality of life.

The benefits of magnesium orotate (magnesium + orotic acid) may include:

◦  Improved athletic performance

◦  Supported heart health
◦  Rebuilt DNA and RNA

Research Fact: Preliminary studies have shown that a high dosage of oral magnesium orotate improved symptoms in 40% of patients with severe congestive heart failure.

How much magnesium should I take?

When integrating magnesium into your regimen, start by taking two 100mg capsules twice a day. Even though many people experience immediate benefits, magnesium supplements can take 3-6 months to fully replete the body’s magnesium stores. Choose one form of magnesium to start and follow a consistent regimen. After a few months of improved symptoms, try introducing a new form of chelated magnesium for even more incredible benefits!

Questions? Tune into the conversation between Dr. Carrie Jones and Dr. Paul Hrkal here.