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Agent Woman Nwando Emejulu

Agent Woman Nwando Emejulu

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Women that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most.

A Pilates connoisseur, Nwando Emejulu is New York City’s go-to instructor. The Paris-born, Gabon, Central Africa-raised, and current NYC resident has been teaching Pilates for five years and recently co-founded Move With Purpose (MWP), a nonprofit club dedicated to actionable support of Black lives through physical movement. Meet Agent Woman, Nwando Emejulu.

Name: Nwando Emejulu

Instagram: @nwandoemejulu

Daily uniform: A supportive and stylish bra, leggings, and grippy socks.

AM ritual: First thing in the morning, I make my bed; otherwise, I feel very disorganized. I put on one of my favorite inspirational podcasts and I burn white sage to start the day with positive energy and purify the air in my apartment. I boil raw ginger root and two lemons for 15 minutes. Then I add 1 tbsp of chia seeds and 1 tbsp of raw honey. Et voila, my healthy morning elixir.

PM wind down: I write in my journal for about 15 minutes before bed –its a guided journal by Michelle Obama—with one of my favorite candles by DW Home. When I go to bed, I put on a guided meditation by Deepak Chopra.

Feel-good song: 'Say so" by Doja Cat, "Feeling Good" by Avicii, and

"Sunrise" by Simply Red.

A mistake you've learned from: Trust your gut instinct no matter what. A lot of mistakes I made were because I didn't use my "trust muscle."

To your younger self: Believe in yourself and your magic.

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: Well+Good.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: The Wisdom of Sundays by

Oprah Winfrey.

Go-to stress remedy: A quick 15 to 20-minute workout.

Supplements you can't live without: Omega-3 fish oil, liposomal vitamin C, lemon balm extract, and turmeric pills.

Three things you're really into right now: Self-help workshops and podcasts, healthy cooking at home, and my nonprofit club, "Move with Purpose."

Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration: @mickiphit, @tobemagnetic, and


Your ultimate indulgence: Homemade purple popcorn with truffle salt and nutritional yeast.