Nateur Cooking With Phuong Tran

Ultimately, what you put in your body, shows up on your face. We've rounded up some of our favorite wellness experts to share their go-to recipe for glowing skin.
Name: Phuong Tran
Instagram: @chefphuongtran, @croftalley
Job Description: Recipe developer, menu creator, culinary and wine teacher, and writer.
Eat this for: A decadent treat without the guilt of gluten.
Something Healthy I Eat: Chlorophyll has been shown to reduce inflammation and bacterial growth in skin wounds, it can build your blood by improving the quality of red blood cells, and certain properties are known to reduce body odor.
Time & Place: I recommend eating mangos between March and July from all parts of India. This is when mangos (1,000 varietals) come into season. Ayurvedic foods encourage one to eat hyper-locally, so eating things indigenous to a region, along with its seasonality, is beneficial to health and the spirit.
Skin Food: Avocados and fatty fish. Fish fat is vastly different than land animal fat. Fats in fish are composed of omega chemical chains.
Relieving Recipe to treaty anxiety: I always cook chicken soup as a cure-all for anxieties and all man-made diseases/ stresses. Simmer a whole chicken with onions and ginger for hours. This produces the most luxurious and unctuous mouthfeel of soups, which nourishes the body with its warmth and mineralities along with the healing properties from the ginger.
COVID-19 Silver Lining: I've always believed in "Slowing down to speed up." It's a mantra that I've used in my personal life and work/professional life. It has helped me grow in my personal life as well as growing my business. This discipline has come at such an opportune time.
Skincare mantra: Water, water, water. Hydrating is of the utmost importance, along with reducing the consumption of sugar. From there, only one's skincare routine can be effective if you prepare the skin to receive such treatments.
- 200 g almond flour
- 200 g sorghum flour
- 128 g rice flour
- 740 g water
- 8 whole organic eggs
- 28 g coconut oil
- 12 g salt
- 50 g sugar in the raw
- 440 g European butter (melted)
Combine water, eggs, coconut oil, sugar, butter, and salt. In a separate bowl, mix the almond, sorghum, and rice flour. Slowly introduce the flour blend with the wet ingredients. Use a hand emulsifier for a smooth blend and place in your waffle maker.