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Special Agent: Angela Louison

Special Agent: Angela Louison

Special Agent

[spesh-uhl ey-juhnt]


Someone who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity, and ingenuity. They live in their potential, embracing their unique gifts and shining a light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, they are admired by our founder, Jena Covello.

Meet Agent Woman, Angela Louison. The native New Yorker and jewelry designer is the founder of Louison Rare and Fine. Her namesake brand specializes in heirloom quality, contemporary fine jewelry as well as a curated selection of vintage and antique pieces. All of her jewelry is handmade in New York City by some of the city’s most talented artisans and custom pieces can be created upon request.

Name: Angela Louison 

Instagram: @angela.louison and @louisonrareandfine

Daily Uniform: A great pair of jeans, a vintage tee, and lots of jewelry made by me and my friends. 

AM ritual:  I recently started really honing in on my am routine because I used to not have one, I’m much more of a night owl. Now I try to wake up early and start my day by drinking tons of water and sitting down to write - I’ve been rotating between a 5-minute journal a friend recommended and reading A Course in Miracles, which I am slowly working my way through. I’ve found even taking those few minutes really helps me to start my day on the right foot and focus on what I want to get done without getting overwhelmed. I usually have matcha and a nice breakfast while I do that. I eat a plant-based diet and I love food! Sourdough with different spreads, hummus or cashew cheese is my favorite topped with veggies and a big handful of arugula. I’m usually too busy for a big lunch and so breakfast for me has always been a really important meal. Once I eat, I try and go for a nice walk with my dog or do yoga or a @melissawoodhealth flow, moving for even just 20 minutes helps me a lot. 

PM wind down:  My pm routine is simple, but I always do it! I use Agent’s double cleanser to wash my face, and a few nights a week I follow it with a retinol cream. On the days I don’t I use the eye serum. I love how it smells like fresh cucumber. I put lavender oil on my hands and try and read a few pages for pleasure in bed before turning the lights out. I find doing this even if I have stayed up late helps me to wake up feeling refreshed, and I almost never skip. I even lugged my Agent cleanser and travel holi (trinity) with me camping recently. I’m committed! 

Something that helps you stay in a positive mindset: Journaling and perspective. Living in the rat race of New York City it’s easy to forget how many blessings you may have. Everyone is hustling to level up constantly. I’ve struggled with depression in the past and I can say with certainty that reminding myself how lucky I am to have food, shelter, and my health is a lot more than many can say, and that isn’t lost on me. I choose to look at the blessings in my life as miracles as much as possible.

A life changing realization that you’ve had: That listening to my intuition is the most important skill I have, and that the world is designed to make you lose connection with your inner voice. I work all the time at tuning out excessive noise and staying true to what feels right for me and my future.

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: Honestly Jena was the first person who came to mind! I have learned so much from following her and counting her as a friend. I trust her opinion explicitly and often ask for different recommendations depending on what I need. My chiropractors @folcny have also helped me so much; I’ve learned loads from them about energy work and the importance in trusting myself and my body. If you’re in the New York Metro area they are the best - true healers. My daughter’s pediatrician has also hugely formed my view on health and wellness. He practices from a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach and I don’t think I would be the same mother or person if he hadn’t guided me to become the authority on my and my child’s health. It’s been the greatest gift. 

Favorite wellness/beauty book: A Course in Miracles 

Go-to stress remedy: Being outdoors. Living in New York City we don’t have tons of opportunities to engage with nature, so I escape as often as possible to go camping and hiking in the warmer months and snowboarding in the winter. 

Supplements you can’t live without: I’m not huge on supplements. I feel if anything most people take too many, and they can tax the body if not taken appropriately/with discernment. I prefer to mostly go to food for more bioavailable sources whenever possible; I’ve been known to swallow cloves of raw garlic whole like pills when I’m sick. That being said, I do really love the Holi Mane collagen. I take it daily, along with Thorne Vitamin D/K2 in the winter. Pure ascorbic acid is my go-to for when I am feeling under the weather. I dose myself if I’m fighting something and it works every time. Magnesium is another supplement I reach for often. Epsom salt baths are a go-to for relaxation and help gently detoxify. 

Three things you’re really into right now: Jewelry, Interior design (I’m in the process of opening a new jewelry studio in Brooklyn) and snowboarding. 

Top three favorite online shops: Revolve, 1st Dibs, and eBay.

Top three Instagram accounts for inspiration: 




Your ultimate indulgence: Does great jewelry count? But in all seriousness, massages and bodywork are life changing and I do them whenever I can swing it. Mineral baths wherever there are natural springs if I am traveling. Some of my favorites are in Saratoga Springs at the Roosevelt Spa. 

Three things you’re grateful for: My health, my child, and that I truly love my work. 

Must-have Agent Nateur product: The holi (trinity), holi (glow) ageless eye serum, and cleanser duo are all must-haves.