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Agent Woman Zizi Donohoe

Agent Woman Zizi Donohoe

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Women that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most.

British-born and Los Angeles-based Zizi Donohoe and her design aesthetic is the epitome of Eighties Hollywood glamour with a modern sensibility. The designer's eponymous fashion label is both luxe and eco-friendly. Think sustainable couture-grade silk. Meet Agent Woman, Zizi Donohoe who you may have seen in a fabulous Roger Vivier ad.

Name: Zizi Donohoe

Instagram: @zizidonohoe

Daily uniform: For an office day, bike shorts with an 80’s charity sweatshirt. If I have a more social day, perhaps a little business lunch or event, I love a skirt suit with a power shoulder or a chic little day dress. I never ever leave the house without a red lip, sunglasses, and a pair of silly fabulous clip-on earrings.

AM ritual: Being British, a cup of tea first thing in the morning is vital. I wake up around 6:30 am, check my emails, and deal with anything urgent. I use an antibacterial facewash and tone with a liquid cleanser from my dermatologist, followed by the Agent Nateur holi (glow) ageless eye serum as an all-over moisturizer. At 8 am I take Pilates on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Fridays I have tennis lessons. Being self-employed, having a sporty moment in the morning, gives me a bit of structure and motivates me to get up and start my day in a positive frame of mind.

PM wind down: At night, I take a hot bath or shower, ice my face, and repeat my morning skin routine. I’ll relax with a book in bed or scroll through furniture on the 1st Dibs app.

Feel-good song: Like A Prayer by Madonna.

A mistake you’ve learned from: Hemorrhaging money in the first year of running my company. I studied at an art school and I knew nothing about business and was so overwhelmed by anything remotely financial.

After reading No Excuses! The Power of Self-Discipline, I had a complete restructure, took online courses in book-keeping and business, and held myself accountable for every aspect. Now my financial hemorrhages only happen at Chanel.

To your younger self: Do not get tattoos!

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: My dermatologist, Dr. Bussell.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: Christie Brinkley’s Outdoor Beauty and Fitness Book. It’s a picture book from 1983 full of tips ranging from aerobics and beachy hair to motivation and makeup.

Go-to stress remedy: Stevie CBD oil in an oat latte.

Supplements you can’t live without: Pre + probiotic and liposomal vitamin C.

Three things you’re really into right now: Re-watching my favorite 80’s and 90’s films, impromptu coffee dates, and big velvet hair bows.

Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration: @samvissermakeup for beauty, @jenacovello for entrepreneurial motivation, and @nolanmillercollector for a fabulous 80’s Dynasty costume archive.

Your ultimate indulgence: The Beijing Duck at Mr Chow in the company of wonderful friends.

Must-have Agent Nateur product: The uni(sex) N5 deodorant. It has the best fragrance and is the most effective all-natural option I’ve tried. The chic packaging is a bonus!