Agent Woman Shani Hillian

Agent Woman
[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]
A woman who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity and ingenuity. She lives her potential, embracing her unique gifts and shining her light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, she is a woman admired by our founder, Jena Covello.
Meet Agent Woman, Shani Hillian. The master esthetician and wellness writer is the founder of Skin by Shani, a holistic practice that believes the best path to healthy skin can be found in nature. Each of her custom treatments utilizes active ingredients and non-invasive methods to reset the skin, create balance, and promote whole body healing.
Name: Shani Hillian
Instagram: @shanihillian
Daily Uniform: Athleisure if going out and a silk robe if in the house.
AM ritual: Make a cup of tea, take my vitamins, and feed my daughter.
PM wind down: I take a warm bath with my daughter to wind us both down. Lavender essential oil in the diffuser or a candle, then I put on ocean waves for her to go to sleep to. I then make a cup of chamomile tea and meditate before bed.
Something that helps you stay in a positive mindset: Having a word that triggers joy when negative thoughts invade my mind. Today it’s “compassion”.
A life changing realization that you’ve had: Postpartum is colorful, full of daily changes and emotions that must be given more credit. Women are ethereal beings, and we make this world go around 10 x over. The realization that we can endure the biggest hardship and still prevail…powerful.
A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: The wellness expert that has changed my entire life in every area, most importantly mentally, is my therapist who is a black woman.
Favorite wellness/beauty book: The Secret, The Power Of Now and Blink.
Go-to stress remedy: Chamomile tea, listening to calming ocean waves, and if I can get an infrared sauna session in, that helps me tremendously.
Supplements you can’t live without: I gravitate towards herbs more than supplements. I can’t live without elderberry, sarsaparilla, calendula, yarrow, and ginger.
Three things you’re really into right now: The show White Lotus, old school Motown music, and sage iced tea.
Top three favorite online shops: I truly thrift a lot and really don’t buy anything brand new. I grew up with a lot of siblings and cousins, so I grew up receiving hand me downs which I prefer. The only shop that I indulged in recently that I love is Mejuri, to purchase jewelry honoring my daughter.
Top three Instagram accounts for inspiration:
Your ultimate indulgence: An all-day spa retreat. Hours of massaging, mud baths, saunas, etc.
Three things you’re grateful for: My daughter, my health, and my tribe.