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Agent Woman: Janny Organically

Agent Woman: Janny Organically

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Women that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most. 

Janny Organically is uniquely inquisitive. She is constantly testing, seeking, and investigating the best in healthy habits and organic living. The San Diego-based mother created her platform to educate her followers on everything non-toxic and the correlation that comes from feeding the mind and spirit.  Meet Agent Woman, Janny Organically.

Name: Janny Organically

Instagram: @janny.organically

Beauty Icon: I've never looked up to anyone as a beauty "icon," but I love watching anyone be the best version of themselves. When authenticity and joy pour out of someone, it makes my day.

Muse:  My daughter is really the inspiration for what I do. Had I not become a mother, I don't know if I'd be as fired up about life.

Favorite city for inspiration:  I can't say that a city has ever inspired me. I'm from Palm Springs, so I am partial/nostalgic about it and the history. Also, San Diego is where I spent most of my time as a young adult.  It's basically my spirit city.

Dream client: Anyone motivated to learn, not afraid of humility, and not easily offended.

Introvert or extrovert:  Introvert.

Daily uniform: Jeans + off-the-shoulder top + bare feet.

Cats or dogs:  Huckleberry! Our 1-year-old pup!

Theme song: I have a new one every month. Right now it's More Than Conquerors by Rend Collective.

AM ritual: Being woken up every morning to my daughter's cheerful, giggling face, and making breakfast and matcha lattes together.

PM wind down: A shower! Every night, it's my me-time, in my quiet closet, where I have my best thoughts or no thoughts at all.

Greatest escape: I'll be a beach girl for life. As long as it's not too cold or windy or humid. And no alligators or bugs.

Secret skill: I have ninja hearing. Being a "Super Taster" is a thing, right? If there were a "Super Hearer" designation, I'd have that.

Biggest struggle: Not talking about immunizations

Stress and anxiety management:  I'm by no means perfect at managing my stress. As an activist and Enneagram type 8, I am almost always fighting against injustice, so the information gathering of such injustices and the fights themselves are not only wholly exhausting, but stressful. My adrenals have been shot, my cortisol has been tanked, so I get it! Living in a state of fight or flight is NOT healthy! 

However, I believe it's important to acknowledge the stress and how you feel and release any hold they have on you. It's so damaging to hold on to those emotions and store them in the body. I also set boundaries. I know when to say "no" and when to ask for help.  I listen to my body when it requires rest or exercise and I make that time. Box breathing calms me pretty immediately.

Last, but not least, I pray. I pray because I know I'm not capable of doing it all, but I've been called to do my part and I will continue to answer that call.