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Nateur Cooking with Elissa Goodman

Nateur Cooking with Elissa Goodman

Ultimately, what you put in your body, shows up on your face. We’ve rounded up some of our favorite wellness experts to share their go-to recipe for glowing skin.

Name: Elissa Goodman

Instagram: @elissagoodman

Job Description: Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Cleanse Expert

Eat this for: Clear skin with an all-natural glow! 

Time & Place: I drink this every morning after my 16oz of water to revitalize my cells after a night of detoxing.

Skin Food: The high-nutrient greens in this juice are potent detoxifiers, which help rid your body (and skin!) of harmful substances that may negatively impact the look and feel of your skin. Using my Simple Green Juice as a base for your morning juices will provide an all-natural glow. Check out my 7-Day RESET cleanse for more skin-enhancing recipes! 

Skincare mantra: “Drink your greens, drink your greens, drink your greens!”


1 Serving 

The best way to absorb the nutrients and get the most impact for helping you detox your organs and tissues and cleanse your blood is to juice and drink it right away. I do not save my juices because they lose their nutrients after being exposed to heat. 

  • 5 stalks celery
  • 1⁄2 large or 1 small cucumber Head of romaine
  • 1 lemon
  • 2” ginger 

Juice and enjoy or order as a custom blend at an organic juice shop. Add 1 tablespoon of Spectrum Cold Milled Flax Seeds for extra fiber, omega 3’s, and healthy fat.