How to detox and cleanse with Elissa Goodman

Cleanse expert and holistic nutritionist Elissa Goodman, talks to us about the importance of daily detoxification. Elissa shares her tips on how to incorporate cleansing into your daily routine, as well as her morning detox ritual, her favorite detox supplements and the beauty benefits that come with a clean liver.
Molly Sims has been doing Elissa’s cleanses for years and Kate Hudson is a huge fan of her S.O.U.P. Cleanse.
Elissa, can you tell us a bit about your background and what drew you to nutrition and cleansing?
I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at the age of 32, and a slew of unrelated health issues followed. I struggled with serious thyroid illnesses like Hashimoto’s and Hypothyroidism for many years. On top of all of that, my gut microbiome was in serious disarray. I was diagnosed with Celiac disease and faced countless challenges related to that. I was sick, tired, low energy, stressed, generally unhappy, and I lived in a constant state of brain fog.
At one point in the thick of my downward spiral, I decided that it was time to focus on my health. I knew I owed it to my daughters to get healthier so that I could be there for them and set a good example. I left my comfortable job as a ‘successful’ businesswoman to pursue a career in Holistic Nutrition, and I haven’t looked back since!
Can you tell us why detoxifying the body is so important?
Every day we take in countless toxins and heavy metals from the outside world, whether they be in the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food we eat. Harmful substances like pesticides, chlorine, fluoride, bromine, and so many more toxins are working their way into our bodies every moment. These are all known as endocrine disruptors because they interfere with the body’s endocrine system, resulting in so many of the body’s hormones and hormonal processes going completely out of whack. That is why living a detoxifying lifestyle daily is super important for our overall health and happiness.
You offer two cleanses through your website, a 5-Day Food Cleanse, and a 7-Day RESET Cleanse. Can you tell us about these cleanses and what they are recommended for?
My 5-day S.O.U.P. Cleanse is a delivered program that is available in the Los Angeles area. It is a satiating cleanse filled with nutrient-dense soups, salads, tonics, broths, lattes, and my Super Seed Bars. These nourishing foods are designed to remove animal-based foods, processed foods, added sugars, pesticides, unhealthy fats, and toxins from your diet. This program introduces superfoods, anti-inflammatory foods, and alkaline foods for optimal health.
My 7-Day RESET Cleanse is a downloadable program that can be done from anywhere in the world. I provide cleansers with 7 days’ worth of grocery lists, meal schedules, recipes, supplement recommendations, nutrition tips, and more. And I am available to cleansers via email throughout the whole process.
What are some signs that someone needs to go on a cleanse?
If you feel sluggish, tired, unmotivated, anxious, sick, or know that you are not feeling 100 percent, then it is the perfect time to try a cleanse!
What are some of the benefits people notice during and after a cleanse?
Many of my clients report a boost in energy and focus throughout the cleanse. They often notice weight loss, a reduction in cravings of sugar and carbs, improved digestion, enhanced immunity, and more during the cleanse and after completing it.
Can you tell us about some of the beauty benefits of cleansing?
One of the most common pieces of feedback I receive from cleansers is that they experience glowing, radiant skin. Many of them also notice shiny hair and stronger nails. Plus, the change in mood that typically comes with cleansing is bound to boost your positive energy, and there’s nothing more attractive than that!
How often do you recommend cleansing?
I fully believe in the idea of living a cleansing lifestyle every single day. We can take steps daily to reduce our toxic load, like only using clean skin and beauty products (one of the reasons I am such a huge Agent Nateur fan!), replacing household cleaners with natural versions, and buying organic foods whenever possible. Since it is challenging to prepare detoxifying foods for every meal, many of my cleaners choose to complete the S.O.U.P. Cleanse once to twice each month.
What’s your go-to cleansing routine?
Cleansing is imperative for physical and mental health, which is why I incorporate it into my physical routine and my spiritual and emotional routine. I begin my day by cleansing my mind with practices such as journaling and meditation. I drink a minimum of 16 oz of water with lemon first thing in the morning to help my cells detox. Next, I make a green juice loaded with cleansing ingredients such as dandelion greens, parsley, lemon, cucumber, celery, and romaine. I complete my skincare and makeup routines which include exclusively clean products. I stick to detoxifying, primarily plant-based foods throughout the day, and I always cleanse my body with movement – usually some form of yoga. Sometime in the afternoon, I will drink a Detox Tonic. Before bed, I will write a gratitude list and remove any forms of technology from around me to help cleanse my mind in preparation for a good sleep.
What is a simple step people can incorporate into their everyday routines to assist their bodies in cleansing?
My recommendation is to start small. Drink a minimum of 16 oz of water with lemon as the first thing you do in the morning. Your body has worked so hard to help remove toxins from your system all night, and your cells are dehydrated. Replenish them with hydration before turning to caffeine or food. From there, you can start experimenting with detoxifying vegetable juices, supplements, and cleanses.
What are some of your favorite supplements for detoxification?
Some of my favorite supplements for detoxification include Pure Encapsulations Liposomal Glutathione and Gaia Milk Thistle Seed (you can take ongoing) and Mary Ruth’s Activated Charcoal (only for a few days).Glutathione helps to safeguard our cells from the negative effects of pesticides, pollutants, metals and more, working to neutralize and eliminate toxins from the body. Gaia has a particular process for concentrating its Milk Thistle Seed extract to ensure it preserves the essential phytochemical Silymarin. This phytochemical promotes healthy liver cell production, which helps to make sure that the vital organ is working effectively to detoxify your body of harmful substances. I also love activated charcoal; it absorbs most organic toxins, chemicals, and poisons before they can harm your body.