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Agent Woman Joanna Czech

Agent Woman Joanna Czech

Agent Woman

[ey-juhnt woo m-uh n]


A woman with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Women that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most.

Joanna Czech might be the most in-demand esthetician in the world. Her loyal clients include Kim Kardashian, designers like Phillip Lim, and entrepreneurs like Maria Sharapova. And no wonder—as the facialist to Hollywood’s and Fashion's A-list, she’s been hydrating, toning, and sculpting complexions for almost 30 years. If you can’t get to her atelier in Dallas or New York City, her facial massager mimics her dexterous hands. Meet Agent Woman, Joanna Czech.

Name:Joanna Czech

 Instagram: @joannaczechofficial

Beauty Icon: Grace Kelly for her elegance and Christy Turlington for her natural approach.

Favorite city for inspiration: New York: it exposes me to the whole world.

Introvert or extrovert: Both. In big groups, I am shy, one-on-one, I don’t shut up!

Daily uniform: Pants, a blouse, or a t-shirt.

AM ritual: Workout, espresso, a quick shower, and a simple skin routine: rinse, tone, serum application, eye cream, and moisturizer.

PM wind down: Shower, PJ’s and Dinner at home, followed by catching up on TV shows, doing puzzles, or reading a good book.

Secret skill: I am very good with numbers and I can still do splits.

Best advice you’ve ever received: My mother always said, “Be yourself.”

A mistake you’ve learned from:Whenever I didn’t listen to my parent’s advice, things would go terribly wrong. I learned to take their advice and I still run everything by my mother.

To your younger self: Not getting into medical school was actually a blessing and the two months I spent being devastated was a waste.

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: Dr. Leo Galland in NYC, a western medical doctor who incorporates Eastern philosophy, helped me balance my digestive system. Dr. Steven Gundry, who wrote Plant Paradox,a lifestyle diet eliminating lectins that I have been practicing for two years, has also really helped me.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: Heal by Kelly Noonan Gores.

Three things you’re really into right now: Organizing, getting more tech-savvy, and eating bagels with cream cheese and other comfort foods that are not part of my normal diet.

How are you managing anxiety in light of COVID-19: Working, working out, and facetiming with friends.

Is there a COVID-19 silver lining for you: I find myself interested in new things and I’ve found new ways of continuing to work. Even though I can’t physically touch clients, I have more time to teach each client during my virtual consultations, which I truly love.