Agent Woman Dr. Elizabeth Trattner

Agent Woman [ey-juhnt woo m-uh n] adjective
A woman who embodies the spirit of truth, authenticity and ingenuity. She lives her potential, embracing her unique gifts and shining her light to consciously create a better world. As an Agent of beauty and inspiration, she is a woman admired by our founder, Jena Covello.
Meet Agent Woman, Dr. Elizabeth Trattner. The Miami based acupuncturist and integrative medicine practitioner treats her patients with a highly individualized and holistic approach, using a variety of modalities to address the physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances than can create illness. She also specializes in facial rejuvenation acupuncture and is the creator of The Original Gemstone Acupuncture Facial. Her signature facial addresses the underlying causes of the aging process, as well other underlying constitutional patterns, to create healthier, more youthful and radiant skin. Her new, 100% sustainable office is built on a crystal grid.
Name: Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, A.P. DOM
Instagram:Â @dreliztratts
Daily uniform: On days that I work, I stick with all black, including my lab coat. On days off I’m typically in jeans, Isabel Marant boots, and usually something Helmut Lang on top. My necessity whether I’m working, or have the day off, is all my jewelry. They are talismans for good luck and protection.
Elizabeth's Gemstone Acupuncture Facial
AM ritual: I start off by doing some morning stretching. Then I drink matcha with adaptogens and collagen, followed by TM meditation to set the day off right. I learned TM 15 years ago from a master teacher in his 60’s and I cannot go without it. It sets me up for the entire day. In the morning, I take some supplements, which is something I’ve been doing for 35 years. My favorites include different types of oils, including high dose fish oil, borage oil and sea buckthorn, or omega 7. Sea buckthorn has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years.
PM wind down: Lately, I have been going to bed extra early. In TCM we say every hour before 11 counts as double. After dinner I will start taking my makeup off and use the holi (trinity) on my face, neck, chest, and hands. I will either use my gua sha tool or do facial cupping to help undo the stress of the day. I jot down a few things in my 5-minute journal and go to sleep before 9 on most days. Sleep is my favorite ritual.
Feel-good song: Anything 70’s Motown or 80’s rock. I also love Brian Ferry and Roxy Music.
A mistake you’ve learned from: Living in fear when I was younger. I wish I took advantage of more things when I was younger, but I feared taking risks and failing. Just go for it!!!
To your younger self: It’s better to try and fail than not do it at all.
A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: Dr. Andrew Weil M.D. I met him in 1990 and my life changed forever. He was my doctor, mentor, and friend. We were even on Oprah together in 1998, where we talked about how integrative medicine saved my life. I am the clinician I am today because of him. He helped me get well, had so much faith in me to pursue my dream, and gave me the tools to help so many people throughout my career.
Favorite wellness/beauty book: Natural Health, Natural Medicine by Andrew Weil. This book started my path to healing.
Go-to stress remedy: Meditation, exercise, Pilates, yoga and flower remediesSupplements you can’t live without: NAC, Quercetin (a game changer for people with allergies), probiotics, fish oil and sea buckthorn.
Three things you’re really into right now: Rare cactus and succulent collecting, my family, and my new completely non-toxic office. Through building this office, I made a lifetime dream come true. I genuinely love going to work.
Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration:
@fanceebee an account featuring beautiful floral art photography. @casatho.concepthouse a beautiful restored house turned to artisanal store in Merida, Mexico.
@sisterspark_crystalgrids Linn is beyond talented in her work.
Your ultimate indulgence: I love snorkeling in Miami during the summer and staying underwater for hours in the saltwater. There is something about the intense sensory overload and sound depravation that puts me into a whole different meditative world. I forget all about stress floating around, looking at fish, finding shells and being mesmerized by the water and sand. I can’t tell you how many times my family will be ready to leave while I could stay for hours longer.