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Agent Man Jake Clark

Agent Man Jake Clark

Agent Man

[ey-juhnt man]


A man with tenacity, confidence, an entrepreneurial spirit, and a distinct point of view when it comes to holistic beauty and wellness. Men that our founder, Jena Covello, admire most.

Melbourne, Australia-based ceramic artist Jake Clark looks to the zeitgeist to inform his aesthetic. With a focus on both trendy and timeless logos like Lucky Charms, The Beverly Hills Hotel, and even Pocky, Jake is inspired by contemporary culture. Crafting ceramic sculptures and large-scale urns, his objet d’art serves as a physical snapshot of our time.

Name: Jake Clark


Daily uniform: T-shirt, track pants, socks, and Birkenstocks 

AM ritual: I take my dog to the park around 8 am, then breakfast, and I get to the studio around 9ish.

PM wind down: I make dinner and put a show on to watch.

Feel-good song: 23 by Burna Boy.

A mistake you’ve learned from: My biggest mistake is that I don’t always learn from my mistakes, which is something I am continually working on!

To your younger self: I’m really happy where my life has lead me to today, so I guess my only message to my younger self would be to keep going!

A wellness expert who has significantly helped you: My wife Bonnie is a nutritionist and she has helped out a lot. Especially with cutting down the sweets and fast food.

Favorite wellness/beauty book: The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche is my all-time favorite.

Go-to stress remedy: Steam room for a sweat, followed by a swim in the ocean.

 Supplements you can’t live without: Zinc, which I take everyday and N-acetyl Cysteine in the mornings.

Three things you’re really into right now: My work, cooking, and my family.

Top 3 Instagram accounts for inspiration: @jenguidi because her art inspires me, @nutritionbybonnie for health advice, and @mrstarcity because he’s always so positive in his message with his art.

Your ultimate indulgence: The omakase at Sushi Park in Los Angeles is my all-time favorite.