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6 Detox Methods for Post-Holiday to Set Yourself Up for Health in New Year

6 Detox Methods for Post-Holiday to Set Yourself Up for Health in New Year

By Kerry Pieri

Whether you go all in in November and December and drink cocktails, eat refined sugar, and stay up late like January will never come, or simply throw caution to the wind here and there, chances are a detox is in order now that we’re in slow down mode. Mars is in retrograde until February, so this isn’t time for any “new year, new you” pushes and plans, instead, it’s a time for self-care, reflection, and body, mind and spirit resets. In that spirit, below are some ideas to detox and set you up to go into 2025 refreshed and rested. 

  1. Saunas of Any Kind - While Infrared Saunas are all the rage and do have specific benefits, saunas of various kinds have been utilized by cultures across the world as a healing tool for centuries.  Your skin is a primary detox organ and sweating is an amazing way to remove physical toxins from the body but also emotional toxins. Spiritually you can use this time to be still, silent, reflect on your day and to get away from your phone. Regular sauna use has been proven to lower the rates of toxin metals like mercury, lead, and arsenic in the body. Get to a sauna of any kind 2x per week, from hitting one up at your gym, to finding a Higher Dose nearby.

  2. Colonics are a phenomenal way to support the body's natural detoxification process. Basically, the body naturally detoxes through its 4 emunctories: breath, sweat, urine, and bowels. Often, bowels are the issue. Colonic irrigation clean the bowels out manually, which is ideal especially for those with chronic constipation. Colonics also support something called bile dumping, which is when bile lands in the last part of the small intestine after it is produced by the liver, stored by the gallbladder, and secreted in response to overeating fatty foods. When bile gets stuck in the small intestine, fat-soluble toxins get recirculated into the bloodstream. Colonics are an easy way to clean this out and prevent recirculation of toxins. Go to a certified technician, and don’t stress about it. 

  3. Epsom Salt Baths - A warm bath is a great way to relax at the end of a long day. You can ramp up your bath by adding epsom salt. Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) provides the body with a dose of magnesium that will be absorbed through the skin. This mineral is a common deficiency and it can be hard to get adequate amounts through food. There are various styles of epsom salt, but choose one without any synthetic fragrances. You can use essential oils or sprays to add the scent that suits you. In the cold winter months it is also a great way to bring heat to the body and connect with the Water Element, which is the element associated with winter in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). Take an epsom salt bath 2-3 times a week. Start with 1 cup, increase to 2 cups. Soak for 15-30 minutes. If you experience loose bowels, decrease the amount of baths and or length of time in them. And if you want to double down on magnesium, Dr. Will Cole has a great detoxifying mocktail recipe as well that include holi mane and holi radiance.

  4. Commit to an energetic hygiene routine - Energetic hygiene means learning how to assess, protect, clear and rebalance your energy. Why did I feel okay before I went into that meeting and terrible now? Is my blood sugar low or is there something else going on? There are many ways to accomplish this—assessing with a pendulum, muscle testing and or intuition can be helpful techniques to learn. Practices such as yoga, Qigong, breathwork, sound healing, meditation, hands on energy healing, and shamanic healing can be great ways to rebalance, protect, and clear. Start learning a practice that resonates with you and incorporate it into your life on a daily basis. It can be best to work with a practitioner periodically, but from day to day you should have your own tool box of things you can use to assess and balance your energy.

  5. Castor Oil Packs are especially helpful for women.  Castor oil has high ricinoleic acid content, the main ingredient to aid in health and detoxification. Through anecdotal evidence and studies, castor oil has been shown to relieve stagnation in the pelvis, help with menstrual pain, stimulate the natural cleansing process of the tissues and release toxins for their elimination, strengthen the reproductive channels and release emotions held within the pelvis. They are also warming and can be used in conjunction with meditation or journaling. Simply buy organic castor oil and a cotton cloth and tie it around your lower belly. Place a hot water bottle over top and relax. Try integrating once a week and note that after you start your cycle may be heavier the first month, which is a sign that your body is detoxing. They’ve been used for thousands of years, and should not be done while pregnant.

  6. Lymphatic Support- The lymphatic system helps drain toxins from the body. Ideally lymph fluid should move towards the lymph nodes where it is filtered and returned to the bloodstream. The system sometimes requires a little help to be “pumped”. During sedentary winter months the system can stagnate. It can also be overloaded by unhealthy food choices and general stress.  While you can receive a luxe massage specifically designed to support your lymphatic system there are also a number of techniques you can employ daily. One, dry-brushing or gua-sha are an effective way to move the lymph. Two, Jumping on a trampoline or rebounder for ten minutes a day. Three, tapping key lymph areas, near the collarbone, under the arms, the groin line and behind the legs. Four, hot/cold contrast therapies can also be very helpful (i.e. cold plunge followed by sauna or vice versa or alternating hot and cold in a shower.) Overall, exercise and general movement will help as well.